My great-grandmother Noël Rothes, whose life was the initial inspiration for my novel The Dance of Love, lived at Leslie House between 1904 and 1919.
Leslie House, Fife
The house was burned to the ground while under restoration in 2009. It’s been the subject of at least two planning applications, but now stands derelict. But as I wrote in an article for December’s Scottish Field:
Because it’s always possible to find hope among the ashes … I hope that an innovative alternative use for Leslie House – which stands bravely awaiting rescue and rebirth – will be found. At a meeting chaired by Fife’s Councillor Fiona Grant, Chair of the Glenrothes Area Committee, on 16 September, a meeting which Sundial Properties [the present owners], Historic Scotland and officers of Fife Council’s Planning Department attended, they agreed to produce a development brief for exactly that purpose.
One possible idea is that – because of my great-grandmother’s experience on board Titanic, it might become a Titanic Visitor Centre. But all innovative ideas are welcomed.
And the thing I’d love to have invented this month in a universe where time is limitless and all things are possible is a website called the Daily Good. Have a look. They only post news that inspires. Their categories include Generosity and Everyday Heroes. And you can subscribe or contribute.
DailyGood is a portal that shares inspiring quotes and news stories that focus on the “good” we can find in our world daily along with a simple action to continue that goodness. Since 1999, it has delivered positive news to subscriber inboxes for free by volunteers every day.
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